Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

THE Exodus: GOD and KING

               FILM is one of the amusement that really amusing, it same also book can give inspiration and really inspire. But not at all, i underlined the word, because sometimes the film is only give amusement and no inspiration,  or even neither amusement nor inspiration that i called junk-film, furthermore the worst film if there is no amusement, there is no inspiration but there is deviation on that film, it really make unsatisfied, moreover the film touch our beliefs. so this is my opinion about THE Exodus : God and King.

               This film adapted from the prophet Musa life, the story is entertain enough because it try to describe everything rationally, yeah. it is the characteristic of west film i though. this film prone to tell us about musa as a person who wants absolve his people from Ramses (Firaun), there is enslavement, suppression, and severity in Egypt. but this film is not explore enough about Musa as a messenger to Firaun that is really different to what i know from the book or Qoran, and the more annoying story in the end when firaun still alive after sink in the tremendous water attack its looked like tsunami. yahhh that is i called deviation. this film is only want to entertain people but ignore the historical value of history.

###########################SO NO POINT AT THIS FILM, ############################


Kamis, 25 Desember 2014


Our life is surrounded by the symbol. symbol has a nature that i called  "mysterious". There are many symbols around us that we have to solve.the symbol wait everyone reads it, i don't know you have ever seen symbol in your life or not, or even maybe you have solved the symbol. because sometimes you played with the symbol subconsciously. but today i don't want to write deeply about symbol , you know it is confusing thing, and only the wise person can describe what it is. now i just want to evoke your great brain to think a little thing about our lovely country " yeah you are right INDONESIA". sometimes i always make a dialogue with my self or make a musing about our country.
        Did you know our country is  powerful, rich, and incredible country ?, forget it. it such a rhetorical question. okay we are the third in the large country in the world. approximately, Indonesia has more than 240.000.000 inhabitant in more than thousand island, you must be said in your mind, that's true. i ll say that Darman. We have all the natural resources in the world, we have the largest gold mine in the world (freeport in Papua), we have the widest ocean, we have the most fertile soil, we have the best quality of fruit, as like as the singer sing we have all the thing in the world but our lovely country still classified in developed country. how can it be ? it was a big question for us. if you say, it because we don't have  any the best human resource to manage our country. you are totally wrong about that MAN... did you know how many professors in Indonesia, how many experienced and professional engineers that we have ? we have a large amount of that. so ? what the problem? ask yourself again.
          Now lets imagine, we have a large land and people. but when we are talking about the technology we are too left behind, one of you who read my writing shout to me an said "hay MAN we are the nation which excellent using technology, yeah that is right, but you have to underline the word using that is mean we are the user, user only, IT does mean we are the consumer of technology we are not the mastermind of technology, i can say we are the victim of technology, we are the largest consumer. we only the big market for another country, we never be a merchant, that is why we never be an advance country in the world, lets imagine again, we have the widest ocean, but i am not sure all the people in Indonesia can eat fresh fish with the cheap price everyday, we have widest pasture and rice field but why we still imported the beef from Australia and rice from Thailand ? it such a big lie, it is nothing for us. and did you know ? gold mine "FREEPORT" is not ours. we have the land but it doesn't mean all the resources is ours too. what a poor rich country.
          We have discussed the problem, we have identified it. now lets thing about the cause of it.do you still on your reason ? it is happen because we are lack of professional human resource? i have said you are wrong  fella, as far as i am concerned it all happen because we are too much schooling our mind and never educate our heart, we have an excellent IQ but we are imbalanced in ESQ. And let see, who are the corruptors that do corruption, the bribers who do bribery, or people who do the nepotism, they are the people that i though have an excellent IQ but have imbalance on ESQ. or even don't say they are dont have any religion, NO, most of them is Muslim,we are the large country with around 98% of its inhabitant are Islam which has the right precept. what's wrong with ISLAM ? whatever the adherents have done, never judge the precept of Islam, ISLAM is a victim of fallacy of thinking. terrorist, polygamy, deviate etc.  most people generalize ISLAM from its follower, whereas ISLAM has a good precept has a deep meaning, many of us interpret the Qoran in way of our thinking. we are not in Rasulullah era, that's why many deviation in our life. Rasulullah physically is not exist anymore, but he has left the Qoran for us, for his follower. as long as we grip and put the Qoran in our heart, i do believe we can change all.
          I really astonished to rasulullah as a big leader, the leader of the leader in the world, it is not a big surprise if Michel H hart whose research and book inserted  and published MUHAMMAD as the most influencing person or tower of strength, i astonished of his ability to change the world, bring us from the darkness to the lightness. it is not easy MAN....

Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

Agent of change & agent of inspiration we called it "BOOK"

          There are many things in the world that can imply great value of living, people, film, book, phenomenon and etc are life lesson that could make our life more meaningfully, grasp the meaning and value can make us to be wiser to live this life. this time i have read an amazing book which not only imply a great value of life but also help me to acquire new vocabulary because it written in English where  contains tremendously new and useful vocabulary, at least i can take two predominance of this method to acquire new  English vocabulary and try to find the point of an author story. You know ??  this time to advance the vocabulary, we need it to speak, to write,to listen and exactly comprehend the point of the book itself. okay you must be curious about the book.
         The book with title "THE ALCHEMIST written by PAULO COELHO has given enlightenment to me, the book showed about the persistence and great willingness of the boy named santiago who is a sheepherd that try to make his dream come true. everyone in the world exactly has a dream in their life that they want to achieve. in this book the author try to tell us about dream, "when you want something all the entire the world will conspire in helping you to achieve it" that is the point that the author want to deliver to the reader, this book really amusing and evoke our spirit to reach our dream. the book telling us that "to reach a dream it is not easy there must be many challenges that obstacle your path to reach it, but do not worry there is a magic sentences "beginner luck and "when you want something all the entire the world will conspire in helping you to achieve it". all the things in the world have their destiny, our duty is to find our the best destiny, as far as we have a willingness to change our life to be better it will be happen, we only have to try to know the language of the world, the book call it " good omen" if you get the good omen, you have to follow wherever it leads you arrive. good and bad omen always exist around us, we only have to try to feel it decide you will follow it or not.

Minggu, 06 Juli 2014


Pukul 1:22, 6 ramadhan 2014, duduk terpaku didepan  laptop dan rasa kantuk belum juga datang, entah mengapa saya ingin menulis sedikit setelah lama tidak menulis di blog, moment dan suasana yang tepat, tengah malam begini paling jernih untuk menulis, entah mengapa rasanya saya ingin menulis tentang “kematian” terdengar menyeramkan memang, tapi ini salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menghancurkan hati yang lambat laun menunjukkan indikasi “hati beku”, ada banyak yang harus saya syukuri ketika menjalani kehidupan ini, salah satunya adalah selalu diberi kesadaran jika hati mulai mengeras, harus ada yang mesti saya lakukan untuk menghindari tergelincir dan menghilang dari frequensi ilahiah.
Saya teringat akan sebuah statement, entah itu hadist atau apa, katanya begini :” jika ingin melunakkan hati yang beku maka sering seringlah mengingat kematian” jika terlalu tenggelam dengan kesibukan, ingat kematian, jika terlalu tenggelam dalam canda dan tawa. Ingat kematian, jika terlalu banyak nikmat. Ingat kematian. Jika dalam keadaan ramai. Ingat kematian, yah kematian sebagai anti-tesa dari sekian banyak fase kehidupan yang mungkin membuat kita lupa bahwa pada akhirnya kita akan dihimpit “KEMATIAN”.
 Kawan, mari kita berbicara sedikit tentang romantisme kematian yang mungkin membuat aku, kamu dan siapa saja yang berdiri dalam lorong kehidupan akan merasa terhubung dengan lorong kematian  saat ini juga, kamu siap ????
Baiklah, saya piker kamu harus siap, menulis ini saja bulu kuduk saya berdiri, mari membuat diri kita takut, mari membuat diri kita berpikir sejenak dimana mungkin selama ini kita terlalu berani untuk hidup dan jarang berpikir tentang hal ini, baiklah kita mulai sekarang.
Akan ada suatu saat kita terbaring dalam ranjang atau mungkin dmana saja, bukan tidur atau bermalas-malasan, saat itu kita sedang menunggu sesuatu, bukan istri/suami atau rasa kantuk.  Hari itu kita payah, sangaaaat payah, berbicara pun tanpa ekspresi, datar, lemah dan tanpa rasa.  Seluruh keluarga berkumpul didekat kita, mereka terlihat sedang berbicara tapi mata ini mulai kabur, telinga ini mulai tuli dan berdengung, keringat bercucuran di dahi, ujung jari mulai dingin seperti dinginnya pandangan kita pada saat itu, dimana badan yang sehat ? dimana tawa yang lepas? Dimana cinta ? dimana nafsu?, semuanya hilang meninggalkan jiwa yang payah.meskipun kita melihat ada banyak orang namun kita sendiri saat itu. yah sendiri melintasi lorong kematian, semoga ketika kita melewatinya kita masih mampu diberi kemampuan untuk mendengar lantunan ayat-ayat romantisme ilahi.
 ketika itu kematian menyapa, dimulai dari ujung kaki, naik ke betis, lutut, paha sampai perut nafas kematian mulai berhembus ke seluruh bagia tubuh, bernafas pun mulai terasa sesak, jantung mulai melemah, bibir terasa kering dan hausnya minta ampun, “LAILAHA ILLALAH” jika kita beruntung mungkin kita masih bisa mengucapkan password yang Muhammad ajarkan pada ummatnya, namun jika tidak rasa sakit dan payah yang akan membuat lidah kita kelu dan mati sampai kita meninggal tanpa password. Jangan sampai itu terjadi kawan, masuk dalam dunia lain tanpa password itu akan menjadii buronan para malaikat yang kasar tanpa ampun,, ahhhhhh. Setiap organ tubuh berpisah dengan dirinya sendiri, mengucapkan selamat tinggal, bayangkan rasa sakitnya jika telah menyatu selama seumur hidup kemudian dipisahkan dalam jurang sakaratul maut, roh disamak dari raganya.pedis dan Tragis, kita terbaring tanpa nafas, melihat diri kita sendiri ditangisi keluarga dan kerabat.

Sebentar lagi kita akan kesana.
Ingat password nya kawan..


Mimpi dan impian adalah barang mewah yang semua orang dapat  miliki, siapapun dan kapanpun, mimpi membuat hidup dan kehidupan mempunyai arti, warna dan rasa. Mimpi adalah tujuan, puncak dan hakikat dari setiap aksi yang kita lakukan, mimpi mengarahkan kita dalam kehidupan yang liar, mimpi mengukur ruang dan waktu sehingga  masuk kedalam ruang lingkupnya. Mimpi adalah semangat bagi mereka yang tahu bahwa hidup adalah lorong kematian yang menuju keabadian. Mimpi membuat kita keluar dari zona nyaman kehidupan, mimpi menantang kita untuk mengukur kapasitas kita, mimpi adalah roh dari kehidupan para petualang, mimpi membuat para petualang merasakan makna dari setiap jejak yang mereka buat. Mimpi adalah energy bagi jiwa yang kering.

Bermimpilah kawan, simpan mimpimu di langit yang ketujuh, simpan mimpimu disisi tuhan, bagi mimpimu untuk menciptakan mimpi-mimpi bagi orang yang ada disekitarmu, jadikan mimpimu sebagai cahaya dalam gelapnya hidup karena mimpi adalah api semangat yang menular, mimpi adalah atom yang siap untuk diledakkan dalam jiwa yang luas, mimpi adalah samudra luas yang menarik untuk diarungi, mimpi adalah kompas kehidupan dalam rimba duniawi,  mimpi adalah galaxy tempat planet-planet mengorbit dan terus bergerak, mimpi adalah arus yang keras yang membuat sungai kehidupan terasa lebih segar, mimpi adalah angin yang berisi ion-ion penyemangat hidup. Mimpi adalah harta yang dimiliki oleh orang yang tak punya apa-apa dan mimpi adalah hujan dalam gurun psir kehidupan.