Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

Being sexy with character

if we are talking about "SEXY" i guess you are try to imagine sexy body. but the word sexy is really relative thing for me. even though previously i have the same perspective with you but it was no longer in my mind. according to oxford dictionary SEXY is


                                       adjective Referring to, having or characterized by sex appeal.

But now, on my mind, i don't want to talk about that, i would like to write the other perspective about word "SEXY". in my brain's dictionary, sexy is character that makes you look sexy without put off your clothes. sexy is character that makes you look gentleman, and i thought all the people will feel the atmosphere of your character. as far as i concerned, there are three kinds of situation that will show your sexy character which  really appealing.

THE FIRST : have you ever seen person that stay calm when another one was panic in such a panic situation? if you have ever seen one of them, you will understand why i classified him/her as the sexy person. not many of people can remain their brain and gesture stay calm in such condition, not only look calm but also  make an effective reaction or solution of the condition. when someone can control their brain and gesture stay calm, it does mean he/she has a good personality because they are not excessive/pleonastic to give reaction in a negative condition, they have control of their mind and expression where it will lead them to make a good decision in overcome the shakiness.

THE SECOND: have you ever known a person that can forgive someone when they had hurted ? if you have ever met with them, you will know what "a large- hearted or large minded" he/she is. most of the people cannot forget what the other people have done to them, and maybe a few of them dont want to give their forgiveness precisely try to give retaliation. you have to underline that character because it is not easy and not all the people can do that.

THE THIRD : Have you ever listened or seen the person who has done a good thing ( charity, helpfulness etc) but they were try to hide their kindness ? they dont want another one know about that, for him/her. his/her kindness is only need to know by himself and ALLAH, stay low profile and stop to imaging. those characteristics proven that he/she do something because of sincerity, neither imaging nor RIYA. 

those characteristics show us how sexy you are in some conditions. these three characteristics is really difficult to apply but not for the others, because it has become their habit in live this life.